Sunday, December 4, 2011

White Cap 5/30/09

   Lilbirdie and I started out from Cathedral of Pines campground in Eustis, Maine. We were up there for a week working on the New England 100 highest. We left out early to do White Cap Mtn. Taking the Morton Cutoff off from rte 16 North Oxford, Maine turn right onto Lincoln Pond Rd. Then we turned  left onto Wiggle Brook Rd  before crossing the little bridge on Lincoln Pond Rd. if you cross the little bridge onto Tim Pond road and take an immediate left,(old way),you are going to hit the washed out bridge. And will be stuck crossing the water and adding miles to your hike. So we took the left before the bridge, traveled Wiggle Brook Rd to Bear Brook Rd. and after I believe a total of 5 rough miles you climb to a small grassy spot to park. My directions may not give exact mileage but I don't want to take all the adventure out of it for you. I had fun exploring so should you.

 A female moose on Wiggle Brook Rd stayed 
in front of our car for 3 solid miles. We had to
drive real slow behind her because she just 
wouldn't go off into the woods. We had nothing else
 to do so we thought to name her. Lilbirdie and I 
decieded on the name Elsie. At the junction 
with Bear Brook Rd a jeep was coming the other way.
I had to back up quick because she was cornered
and now bucked and snorted because she
felt threatened. After backing up she took a left
at the fork just trotting up the road still not entering
the woods. Bye Elsie.

  My Toyota "The Dubba Mobile"
Who needs a 4x4?
An axe and shovel in the trunk is a lot cheaper

 Lilbirdie ready to combat black files and rain.

GrayJay ready for some rain

Path thru the woods from grassy parking spot

Just a herd path to summit of White Cap

Thick pines of Maine along herd path

 It may only be a herd path but you are still deep in the
woods of Maine, 20 miles away from rte 16.

Leaving the herd path from the thick pine area hiking
left over to the true summit & canister.

Yeah! The canister on summit of White Cap

     GrayJay 56  opens canister White Cap

      Lilbirdie on summit of White Cap 

Happy lilbirdie 

Time to read & sign the register

North Kennebago Divide from side of White Cap

Lilbirdie back by car soaked from wet pines

Stopped at West Kennebago Trail on Lincoln Pond Rd.
What's this a phone way out here????????????

Hello! This is GrayJay 56. I ordered my pizza 
delivered to White Cap an hour ago.
Hello!...Hello!....Operator we've been cut off!

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