Friday, December 2, 2011

Boott Spur 10/10/11

This is a hike lilbirdie and I did on quite a windy day. Arriving at Pinkham Notch Visitor Center, we were told that the wind gusts were at 76 miles per hour. We had plans to do Boott Spur for the Trailwrights list and then go on up to summit Mt.Washington. I knew in this strong of a wind Washington was out. I have summited Mt.Washington 11 times so that was not too much a disappointment. I have included a few video clips.
Don't use Full Screen it's too distorted & Turn up you speaker volume, the wind is awesome.

Leaving Tuckerman Ravine Trail on Boott Spur Trail

Fall has come to the White Mountains

Lilbirdie climbs up ladder

Boott Spur Trail is a steady steep rocky climb

Lilbirdie ducks under a blow down

Berries give a little color with the trees and sky

This is the norm climbing to treeline on Boott Spur

Tuckerman Ravine from ravine lookout off Boott Spur.

Lilbirdie now above treeline in strong winds.

Lilbirdie fights wind in open area of Boott Spur Trail.

Wildcats and Carter Range from Boott Spur Trail.

It looks peaceful looking up at Boott Spur.
Next is a video clip of the same view.

Don't use full screen option it is badly distorted.
 & Turn Up Your Speaker Volume

Grasses blow in the strong wind. Nice earth colors.
Looks peaceful enough but next 
video clip tells it all

Don't use full screen option it is too distorted
& Turn Up Your Speaker Volume

Lilbirdie makes last hard climb up Boott Spur, Rte 16 below

Mt.Washington off Boott Spur nearing the summit

GrayJay 56 hides from wind just below summit

Lilbirdie makes her way down from Boott Spur
 No Full Screen, Turn it up

The wind was coming from the Northwest sustained at 45mph
 with gusts up to 65 mph. Hiking up, your left leg had to stay 
 straight out to the side as a brace, coming down was the opposite.
 Filming and photographing was not easy as it was hard to
remain standing let alone keep a camera steady.
  Observe me being blown over while filming Lilbirdie........
   ..............and it wasn't the 1st of the day.

View into Pinkham Notch beautiful fall earth colors

Still a long, long way down

Mountain grasses blowing in very high winds

  Back at the junction of Boott Spur Trail and Boott Spur Link
  Boott Spur Link is a steep trail down into Tuckerman Ravine.
Wind still as strong as ever.

         Mt.Washington in clear blue sky

   GrayJay 56 back at Split Rock

Back below treeline hiking down

  Out of the wind but still a long climb down

 View from middle of ladder on Boott Spur Trail

Hiking out from Boott Spur Trail on Tuckerman Ravine Trail

Wind gauge at Pinkham Notch Visitor Center
Wind has died down at end of day as they had predicted

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