Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mt.Madison via the Great Gulf 10/1/07 to 10/3/07

This was a 3 day hike. It was one of our favorites as sleeping down in the Great Gulf and up on Madison  was awesome. Starting from Pinkham Notch Visitor Center, here is the hike.

Lilbirdie starts Tuckerman Ravine Trail by
Pinkham Notch Vistior Center

Hiking up Tuckerman Ravine Trail

Tuckerman Ravine headwall from Hermit Lake.
After getting water at the pump we headed back to
Lion Head Trail

Lion Head Trail up,up

It's a long boulder strew climb up to the "Rock Pile"

Lilbirdie and I take a rest

Lion Head

Some steep rock scrambling but not bad

Of course Gray Jay has this big pack

Tuckerman Ravine from Lion Head Trail

Looking back at Lion Head

Lilbirdie climbs as clouds roll into Tuckerman Ravine

Above the clouds we climb

Clouds roll in ravine behind Lilbirdie

Clouds seem to just stay in the ravine

Hiking Tuckerman Ravine Trail from
junction to the summit

Final climb up Mt.Washington summit
I took no photos at the summit because it was a zoo.

Mt.Clay & the Great Gulf from Trinity Heights Connector

The Cogg heads down passing the Great Gulf.
Mt.Clay & Jefferson seen from Gulfside Trail

One last look at summit of Mt. Washington

Lilbirdie descends the headwall on Great Gulf Trail

Spaulding Lake far below on Great Gulf Trail.

Lot of loose stuff on this headwall have to be extra careful
going down.

Lilbirdie has an uneasy smile.

Gray Jay loving every second of this.

Lilbirdie not loving every second of this.
We gotta do what????

Just beautiful!
But shadows tell me we will be hiking in the dark.

Lilbirdie takes every step carefully coming down headwall.

Come on Lilbirdie

Looking back up the Great Gulf Trail. Still a long way down.
Notice the moss and water. Not only steep and
loose we have this to deal with too.

This was my last photo of the day. By the time we reached
and then went around Spaulding Lake, it was pitch black.
You cannot camp between Spaulding Lake & Sphinx Trail.
So we hiked in the dark with our head lamps to just before
Six Husbands Trail. It was very tricky because it follows
the west branch of the Peabody River very close in spots.

Morning of day 2, Lilbirdie gets ready for breakfast.

Gray Jay goes to filter water from river as Lilbirdie watches.
This is where we camped in Great Gulf for the night.

Crossing the west branch of the Peabody River
on Six Husbands Trail.

Hiking Six Husbands Trail up Mt.Jefferson.

Cave to crawl thru.

Lilbirdie starts climbing toward the tough stuff.

Gray Jay on 1st ladder of Six Husbands Trail.

Jefferson Ravine from Six Husbands Trail

Lilbirdie looks down into ravine from 1st ladder climb.

Lilbirdie approaching double ladders to climb.

Double ladders to climb leading to a narrow tight ledge.
Crawling on this ledge is tricky. Packs have to come off
and pushed on ledge ahead of you.

Mt.Washington and the headwall of the Great Gulf
off of Jefferson's Knee

Lilbirdie on her way up from Jefferson's Knee

I'll kill you when I get you home Gray Jay.....

Mt.Adams from Edmands Col

Jefferson Ravine from Edmands Col

Mt.Washington, the Great Gulf & Jefferson Ravine
from Gulfside Trail in Edmands Col

The Castles looking northwest from Edmands Col

Lilbirdie nearing Thunderstorm Junction on
Gulfside Trail

Thunderstorm Junction

AMC Madison Spring Hut & Mt.Madison

Mt.John Quincy Adams behind Lilbirdie.
We made camp for the night. You can guess where.

Lilbirdie prepares for day 3 and wants breakfast before
taking another step.

AMC Madison Spring Hut is boarded up for the winter.
We sat and had some homemade chicken and rice
dish that we had frozen and now was thawed.

Gray Jay climbs Mt.Madison and the weather is
getting nasty.

Lilbirdie struggles to stay standing as the winds
have gotten very strong.

Lilbirdie prepares to lie flat untill wind gusts subside.
Summit of Mt.Madison

Osgood Trail along Madison Gulf

Lilbirdie rests from relentless winds behind a cairn,
hiking down Osgood Trail

Winds blow clouds over Osgood Trail ahead of us
hiking down.

Lilbirdie tired of this sharp talus

Still a ways to go before treeline

Mt.Adams in the clouds from Osgood Trail

Lilbirdie hiking down nearing Osgood Cut-Off
We then hiked to Madison Gulf Trail toward
Old Jackson Rd.

Gray Jay starts Madison Gulf Trail.

Lilbirdie crosses the west branch of Peabody River

Peabody River West Branch

Water runs off rocks of small stream on Madison Gulf Trail

Nearing the Auto Road

I didn't find this funny.
Trash is trash

Lilbirdie finishing hike up after hiking Old Jackson Rd

Gray Jay at end of Jackson Rd


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