Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mt.Greylock 1/25/06

Left my house for Mt.Greylock. It is about an hour and a half drive. I judge the snow depth of Mt.Greylock by the amount of snow on the turnpike. If no snow, I'm OK. If there are patches of snow, then the amount on Greylock will be heavy. This morning there were patches on the turnpike and I didn't bring snowshoes. Today I was solo.

Woods road into the Hopper

Walking aside Money Brook

1st bridge over Money Brook

Money Brook from center of bridge

Approaching 2nd bridge crossing on Money Brook Trail.
Breaking trail without snowshoes is tough and getting tougher 
as the snow gets deeper.

Looking off from the middle of 2nd bridge

Hiking up toward junction with Prospect Trail

Junction of Money Brook Trail and Prospect Trail.
The going is too slow to hike over Mt.Prospect today,so I
continued on Money Brook Trail. I love Mt Prospect
so it's a little disappointing. 

Winter can be tricky to follow the trails.
Fortunately I have hiked all of Mt.Greylock summer
& winter many many times.
Notice the blue blaze far in on the right.

Skirting under blowdowns even has to be done in winter.

Skirting the side of Mt.Prospect.
Can you see the trail ahead?

Heading down to recross Money Brook

Recrossing Money Brook,then following trail up the otherside

Trail gets narrow along the edge on the other side of brook

Made a short side trip to Money Brook Falls (center of photo)
Lots of blowdowns

Arriving at Wilbur's Clearing Shelter........it's snowing

Trees weighted with snow & ice, along with blowdowns,
obscure the trail

Arriving at end of Money Brook Trail to A.T.

Appalachian Trail to Notch Road

Can not continue on A.T.north across road up over Mt.Williams,
& Mt.Fitch to Mt.Greylock. Deep snow ate up all my time.
It would be late at night before I got out. Lilbirdie
would have the mountain rescue after me.............yep

The road walk to Overlook Trail is still nice today.

Road on right side falling over the side.
They have fixed it as of 2010

 Mt.Greylock in the clouds.....snowing 

 Stony Ledge across the Hopper

 Icy trees along road

Just a beautiful day alone

 Starting Overlook Trail to the summit of Mt.Greylock

 Overlook Trail is flowing water covered in deep snow

 Looks like a cross to me

 Bascom Lodge on the summit of Mt.Greylock

War Memorial Beacon on summit of Mt.Greylock

 Drifts against the east side of Bascom Lodge

Leaving the summit.........snowing

 Looking back at snow covered trees hiking A.T.south to Hopper Trail

A.T. down to Hopper Trail is deep, up to my thighs in most spots.
But it is powdery for the most part, tough going but a lot of fun

 Bog bridges skirt pond on A.T.south after recrossing Notch Rd

 Pond on A.T. south to Hopper Trail

 On the Hopper Trail to Sperry Rd Campground

Hiking thru Sperry Rd Campground to the 
2nd half of the Hopper Trail down to car

 Getting dark in the Hopper as I approach the bottom of the trail

 Hiking the woods road back to the farm where the cars parked.
I saw no other person all day and none of the trail
was broken out. It was so peaceful.

 Shadows fall on Mt.Prospect as the sun starts going down.
Bet it's dark in the Hopper.

The road out

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