Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mt.Jefferson via Castle Ravine Trail 8/14/06

Lilbirdie & I got an early start this morning. Our goal for the day was Mt.Jefferson. We would hike Castle Trail to Israel Ridge Path to Castle Ravine Trail to Mt Jefferson Loop. After summiting Jefferson we would come down Castle Trail over the castles. It made for a long, long day but a wonderful one.

Crossing the Israel River on Castle Trail

Arriving at Israel Ridge Path on Castle Trail

 Following the Israel River on east side to Castle Ravine Trail

Starting Castle Ravine Trail from Israel Ridge Path

Mossy old rock stairs on Castle Ravine Trail

The trail crosses and recrosses the Castle Brook many, many times.
So be prepared to have some wet feet

Yes more crossings. We counted about 10 all together. 
And believe me there is lots of mud climbing too,
before you start climbing the head wall.

 The Castles from Castle Ravine Trail

 Lilbirdie passes under Roof Rock

 Start of hard climb up head wall

Floor of the ravine

 Huge boulders on trail

 Berries on side of head wall

 Also a lot of loose talus on the side of the head wall

Rough climbing on boulders thru scrub

 One of the few red cross blazes we found on the rocks.
Don't count on them being there.

 Lilbirdie climbing the head wall

 Floor of ravine shows how high and far in Lilbirdie has come

Lilbirdie looks back into ravine.
We still have some climbing to go.

 Lots of loose talus to climb.

 Gray Jay 56 climbing talus up Castle Ravine Trail

 Lilbirdie struggles because talus is so loose

Cairns now help & there is a red arrow painted on rock


 Some red crosses survived

 Climbing up head wall to our reward.

Floor of ravine from head wall

 The Castles seen from the head wall

Castle Ravine

 Lilbirdie arriving at Edmands Col

Mt.Adams & Jefferson Ravine from Edmands Col

Lilbirdie on Mt.Jefferson summit.
Extremely windy

Gray Jay 56 on summit Mt.Jefferson

Mt.Washington & the head wall of the Great Gulf
from the summit of Mt.Jefferson
See the slide?

Large cairn as we start Castle Trail down

Looking back at Mt.Jefferson and the talus
nightmare we are coming down.

Lilbirdie is not thrilled with this talus side of Jefferson

Views from Castle Trail before reaching The Castles

 The Castles just ahead

Looking into Castle Ravine where we hiked from

Head wall of Castle Ravine 
Nice climb!

On The Castles

Lilbirdie hiking over The Castles

Castle Ravine,from The Castles,looking
toward Bowman.

Castle Ravine head wall from off The Castles

Recrossing Israel River to our car.
Had to hike Castle Trail fast as it was getting dark.

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