Thursday, December 22, 2011

Vermont Lye Brook Trail to Stratton Pond 6/2/10

The first thing to say is BLACK FLIES!!!!!!!!!!!! And they DO bite through clothing. Of course not if your dressed like an Eskimo. But try doing that on a 90 degree day in the thick still air of the woods. It's so hot and muggy breathing is difficult let alone fighting these devils. But this was on Vermont's GMC Side to Side list so it had to be done. It would be a 20 mile day. So Lilbirdie and I got to the trailhead in Manchester,VT at dawn.
It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive from home. Of course the black flies didn't arrive until we were about 4 miles into the hike and there was no turning back. They bit our necks,hands,wrists,arms,shoulders,ankles,etc. And believe me them little %#@!* hurt. The trail was lush with vegetation, & muddy. The beaver damage on the trail was extensive before Stratton Pond, and required some ingenuity to get to where the trail continued.
Here is our long day.

Gray Jay points the way

Still a little dark on Lye Brook Trail 

Lilbirdie enters the Lye Brook Wilderness

It's early still and no black flies yet

I just love the thick hard woods of Vermont

Pink Lady Slipper

This is the trail. Similar to the North Country of New Hampshire

Lilbirdie makes her way on log thru the mud.
Notice the net? Black flies are out & biting. 

Gray Jay balances log over lotsa mud. Never liked treking poles.
Except in winter hiking, & only sometimes.

Beaver pond on Lye Brook Trail

Another old beaver pond before Bourn Pond

Lotsa mud & millions of black flies

Lilbirdie pulls back net to navigate muddy trail

More Pink Lady Slippers

Wood Frog hides aside the trail

Wood Frog hops into the middle of the trail.
Bye Mr.Frog

Man this was some thick deep mud on the trail.
It reminds me of the deep mud spot hiking the
A.T. up on Sugarloaf Mtn. in Maine.

Lilbirdie navigates blow downs 

You guessed it...lots more mud

Lilbirdie gets close to junction with Branch Pond Trail.

South Bourn Pond Shelter site..........removed.

Continuing on Lye Brook Trail east which is actually part of the old Long Trail.
Lye Brook Trail from Stratton Pond to Branch Pond to Douglas Shelter 
is the old Long Trail.

Lilbirdie balances log over more mud while fighting black flies and heat.
I'm afraid to ask her if she's having a good time.

Lye Brook Wilderness wind shear event damage to trail

Lilbirdie hikes thru wind shear damage 

Notice the damage but also notice that big black fly.
He's by the skinny tree in the sky up to the left in photo.

This is extensive damage to the trail and very difficult to get through.
Notice the 2 trail signs ahead right in the middle of this now pond.

It is deep but we have to get through somehow.

Lilbirdie climbs thru brush to the beaver's dam

And away we go!

Gray Jay crosses atop beaver dam.
Sorry about using your roof guys.

View of damage & trail signs from beaver dam

Lilbirdie on the other side but still a ways to go.
Black flies are real bad.

Looking back at the "Entering Lye Brook Wilderness", & trail sign 
in the water

Hiking over to Stratton Pond

Bog bridges cross southwest end of Stratton Pond

Stratton Pond from the middle of the bog bridge

Hiking east around Stratton Pond

Trail flood here at Stratton Pond too.

Nearing junction of Lye Brook Trail & the Long Trail.
It's new route.

Gray Jay at junction of Lye Brook Trail & Long Trail

Stratton Pond from near the site of the old Stratton Pond Shelter

Lilbirdie dunks her head in Stratton Pond .......
and is loving every second of it.

Lilbirdie & I took the Long Trail north & started 
North Shore Trail back around Stratton Pond.

Nice bridge on North Shore Trail 

Views from bridge

West off bridge grassy wetlands

West off bridge

Northern Leopard Frog in pond on end of bridge

North Shore is VERY close to the edge of Stratton Pond 
& is deteriorating fast.

This is North Shore Trail now half in the pond

Lilbirdie approaches section of trail underwater

Lilbirdie takes this underwater spot fast 
to minimize wet feet.
Fortunately those rocks weren't slippery.

More tricky trail next to Stratton Pond

North Shore Tent Area

Hiking North Shore Trail back to meet Lye Brook Trail west

Stratton Pond

Starting the long hike back 

Muddy trail back

More muddy trail back!

Lilbirdie still struggling with the wet trail
& black flies hiking back

Hiking back to Manchester,VT.

Here we go again thru the beaver damage.
And this water is waste deep. 

Just a mess in here from wind damage and beavers.

Sorry but we need to use your roof again.

I have a feeling this will either lead to a trail closure in this area
or a relocation.

Lilbirdie makes it to the other side in one piece and dry too.

Lilbirdie hikes back through wind shear event damage.

A little rustle in the leaves means someone is annoyed 
by us visitors.

Back towards Manchester we go.

Lilbirdie hikes hard and fast even though it's been a long day.
The black flies are just too much, biting us like crazy.

Lush green of the woods is still pleasing to me.

Passing the old beaver pond again.

Hot in this lush green woods today. The air is thick and humid.

Lilbirdie looks up at the sign to the falls on Lye Brook Trail.
Only 2 miles left to go.

Gray Jay signs out of the Lye Brook Wilderness.

Erosion of the trail down into Lye Brook.

Lilbirdie gives thumbs up to another 
GMC Side to Side Trail done on the list.
20+ mile day.
I just think she's just glad not to be getting bitten by black flies anymore.

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